Some people say that they are born to do something or achieve something, I believe that I was born to love sports. I was born into a family where sports was what we all loved to participate in and we all loved to watch. My experiences with sports starts out when I was five years old when I began to play baseball at a local athletic club. This became my first true love. I was that kid who was out until dark playing toss with my dad and everynight and before a game I wore my uniform to bed. Not only did I love baseball, I was also pretty good at it. That same autumn my parents decided to put me into a soccer league at the same local athletic club. I enjoyed playing soccer, but it did not give me the same satisfaction as baseball did. That next summer my grandma asked my parents if she could take us to a pee wee golf league at Miami Whitewater Golf Course. My parents always wanted my brother and I to play every sport during our early childhood then we could choose just one to play later if we wa
nted to. The first time we got to play golf in the golf league I was six years old, and that day would change the rest of my life. I started to love golf because I had natural talent and it came really easy to me. I began to play tournament golf when I was eight years old and won my first tournament that same year. For the following years I played soccer, baseball and golf at the same time. I began to play select soccer for a club team when I was twelve years old and I also began to play select AABC baseball around the same time. This did not last long though because when I was thirteen I decided to give up soccer because it was to much travel and it was not my favorite of sports. The following year I was on a baseball team called the Cincinnati Lightning, and this led me to quit baseball. I had a bad experience with the coach of my team, so I decided to give up baseball together. This left me with just one sport when I began highschool, and that was golf. This was all I did, I did nothing but practice, all my focus was now on just this one sport. I was already an above average golfer when I was playing two other sports and golf, but now I was able to put all my focus towards it. I became a great high school golfer for my four years. I broke several records at my high school, one in which I take most pride in was the low nine hole score, which happen to be my brothers, where I shot a three under par 33 to break it. I also was all city of Cincinnati all four years, all league all four years and I was player of the year in my conference my senior year. In April 2008 I signed on with Coach Darby Roggow to play golf for Tiffin University as a walk-on. This was a blow to me because I felt that I was a great golfer and deserved to get a scholarship. It did not take me long to earn one, because the next year I played in every spring tournament and was offered a scholarship the next year. I am still at Tiffin University and as of this year I am a junior and I am one of our best golfers on the team. As you can tell I really had no choice but to love sports growing up, but I am glad that I grew up in the environment that I did. The athletic industry is one of the largest growing industries in the world, and I look to stay in the industry the rest of my life. This is what makes me happy and I want to continue to work in the athletic industry. One day I hope to become a collegiate athletic director for a major Division I school. Not only do I plan on working in the industry, but I plan on participating in sports for as long as I am able to.

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