This week I began my internship with Pipestone Golf Club, which is located in Miamisburg, Ohio. After I graduate this next Spring I attend on becoming a PGA Professional and going into the business side of golf, which consist of running a golf course such as Pipestone. I was excited to finally get to start my internship because I knew that I would obtain valuable skills for a successful future in this field. This w
eek mostly consisted of training. Since the golf club is owned by the city of Miamisburg, but managed by Kemper Sports I had to go through training programs offered by both. The training that I endured through the city mostly consisted of how to use their online terminal. Their online terminal is very complex and is where the budget reports for the course are filled and completed, and it is also a place where you stay connected to other offices in the city. The training that attended this week for Kemper Sports consisted of learning how to use the computer program FORE. This program is used for the computers at the front desk for checking guest in, as well it is used for booking tee times. The best part about this program is it helps the course keep track of inventory and also does a sales report at the end of everyday. This week might not have been the most hands on week, but it was a vital part to get understanding how this certain course operates. In the coming weeks I hope to gain enough understanding so I can begin to close the course down by myself, as well to start assisting with the many events and tournaments that the golf club host. The course has a great management team and I look forward to the following weeks and learning from their leadership and my own experiences throughout the internship.
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