As we begin to round up the end of the semester, I want to take the time to write on a new sport that I have not mentioned in the past, and that is Major League Soccer. The reason that I am choosing the MLS to write about is because this league will start to struggle getting sponsors. Since the league formed it has taken a back seat to the other leagues such as the NFL, Major League Baseball and the NBA to name a few. As well the lack of television spots, are not exactly appealing to sponsors looking to put their name on a team or stadium. With that problem already in place for the league, the economy slowing getting worse it will only lead to less sponsorship money for the league and its teams. The future of the league looks really grim right now, just when after the World Cup everyone thought that American soccer was on the rise. The problem of lack of sponsorships also leads to low pay for many of the players in the league. If the player is really good, they pack their things and go over seas to play in bigger and better leagues, and mostly importantly they are paid more over there. While the economy will have a negative impact on the the future of the MLS, the technology may help their cause a little bit. Now that it is possible to stream live feeds over the Internet, the league has many options compared to just trying to find a station on television to show their games. The advancement of online television will help the league gain mor
e viewers, and most importantly more selling points for future sponsors. There are still people who want to watch the games, however like I said before it is hard because very few games are shown. This will now make it easier for people who want to watch the games have chance to watch. The end result will possible give the MLS more of a chance to add more sponsors to their list.

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