You may think that in this colomn that we will explore what athletes we will see break out in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, well you were wrong. What we will look at is what companies are coming up with the mass of amounts of cash to be able to put there mark on the 2012 Olympic Games. Lets face it with out sponsorships not many sporting events would take place, the Olympics is no different. In fact, their sponsors make the contributions that make the whole event come to life in the manner that it usually happens. The sponsors are broken up by the London Organizing Committee into different levels of committment. Companies and organizations can become a worldwide sponsor, an official partner, an official supporter, or an official supplier/contributor. The worldwide sponsors are the biggest contributors to the games, these companies are forking out millions and millions of dollars to have their commercials and name all around the venues of the games. The companies that make up this level for London 2012 are Coca-Cola, Acer, Atos Origin, Dow, GE, McDonalds, Omega, Panasonic, P&G, Samsung and Visa. These companies will not only be financially assisting the games, but they will also be providing their services to the games and the patrons attending the games. Most of the companies that are on this list are not new names to the worldwide sponsors catagory, but some of the new names for these games are Atos Origin, Omega, and Dow. From here it moves on to the official partnerships, the companies that fall into this catagory are Adidas, BMW, BP, British Airways, BT, EDF, and Llodys TBS. These companies will provide their products to the games production in exchange for their name on the event. For example, Adidas will be supplying uniforms to the athletes, BMW will provide the complementery cars for transportation and BP will be providing fuel to all official vehicles. The last catagory that rounds out the committments by companies is the official suppliers and contributors. Some of the companies on this list are UPS, Cisco, Cadury and Cadbury. These companies will provide their services to the running of the event, mostly technical services from these listed companies. Their committment is important to the event, but is not as much of a committment as the other two catagories. Without these companies deep pockets and drive to get their name out there, there would be no Olympics. So when the 2012 games finally arrive and you complain about all the commercials during the events, remember it might not even be possible with out all the sponsors contributions.
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