This past week was the end of the month of July and the beginning of August, which means the course must file paperwork with the city and Kemper Sports on the monthly revenue. Part of this monthly revenue report has to do with how much appearal and equipment we have sold and have left to sell in our pro shop. This report is extremely important because we have to know how many things are missing and how much money was made off the items sold. We first start out by counting every item that we have in stock in the shop. This includes items such as shirts, sleeves of golf balls and all the way down to golf tees that we sell. After counting every item in the shop we have to go into the FORE! system where we have the last count of every item the month before. After going through and editing the numbers from what we counted, the computer goes through and analyzes the numbers you put in compared to what has been rang in and sold. When it is done it prints out a report with all the variances in the number of items we counted a
nd the actual number we should have. If there are any instances where the counted number is different from what the computer says we should have, we must go back and count to make sure we did not miscount. This happened this month one time and it was with Under Armour golf Polo's. We were missing three Under Armour Polo's, and we had no clue where they were. After searching around the shop and offices we had found the tags to the shirts on the Head Professional's desk. What we found out had happened was he had donated the shirts to a fundraising outing at the course two weeks earlier. This was really the only speed bump we ran into through out this long process. While this may be a long and dreadful process, it has to be done in order for the course to make sure items are not being stolen and the city of Miamisburg and Kemper Sports know how much we are making off equipment and apparel sales.

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